Wakefield Business Directory

Welcome to our business listing directory of local small businesses in Wakefield. Browse our catalogue of Wakefield companies or advertise your company and get it indexed for FREE. Find companies in Wakefield offering their services and expertise. If you own a business in Wakefield listing your business with us could not be easier it literally takes a matter of seconds to get started!

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Latest business listings in Wakefield

Crime Guard Security - Business Listing Wakefield

Crime Guard Security
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Crime Guard Security is a premier security company dedicated to safegu...

Security Services, Wakefield Unit 4, Lake side, Calder Island Way, WF2 7AW | Wakefield

Chainsonly - Business Listing Wakefield

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Welcome to ChainsOnly, Where Engraved Jewelry Shines Bright! Shop our ...

Jewellery, Wakefield 127 E 12th St, Los Angeles, CA, Wakefield, 90015 | United State

The Yorkshire Lime Company - Business Listing Wakefield

The Yorkshire Lime Company
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Here at The Yorkshire Lime Company, we are a heritage builder, stonema...

Builders, Wakefield Office 5 Millenium Stadium, Po, Wakefield, WF7 5EN | Featherstone

Danielle Pinnell Photography - Business Listing Wakefield

Danielle Pinnell Photography
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Hey, nice to meet you im Danielle, I am a professional newborn& family...

Photography, Wakefield Express House, Southgate, WF1 1TE | Wakefield

9 Effective & Affordable Marke - Business Listing Wakefield

9 Effective & Affordable Marke
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Building a startup involves excitement, challenges and innovations. Ev...

Office Services, Wakefield Wakefield, WF1 1AA | Wakefield

Blacklight Software Ltd - Business Listing Wakefield

Blacklight Software Ltd
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Blacklight Software is a forward believing Microsoft Gold Partner bein...

Computer Software, Wakefield S Park Way, WF2 0XJ | Wakefield

Carpet Cleaning Wakefield - Business Listing Wakefield

Carpet Cleaning Wakefield
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

Carpet Cleaning Wakefield specialises in domestic and commercial carpe...

Cleaning Services, Wakefield Langham House, 140-148 Westgate, WF2 9SR | Wakefield

Carpet Cleaning Wakefield - Business Listing Wakefield

Carpet Cleaning Wakefield
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

We offer our clients a wide range of professional domestic & commercia...

Cleaning Services, Wakefield 142 Thornes Lane, WF2 7RE | Wakefield

Watertight Homes Ltd - Business Listing Wakefield

Watertight Homes Ltd
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

The lack of a proper waterproofing system can cause permanent damage t...

Construction, Wakefield 2 Sandringham Drive, Tingley, WF3 1FF | Wakefield

TEi Ltd - Business Listing Wakefield

TEi Ltd
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber

TEi specialise in design, supply, repair, maintenance and site install...

Industrial Services, Wakefield Calder Vale Road, WF1 5YS | Wakefield

Wakefield Business Directory - Free Business Listing Wakefield

Wakefield business directory. Search for local small businesses in Wakefield or add your own free business listing in our directory.

For business owners and shoppers in Wakefield

We provide a free business advertising service for Wakefield business owners. Having your company listed on our directory gives you the opportunity to be found online by customers looking for services in Wakefield. Our business directory is simplified and easy for users to find businesses in Wakefield, you can simply find companies by searching for the postcode, Wakefield local area names or by a company name. We take pride in offering a service where people from Wakefield can come and find small businesses located around them.

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