V.I.P Elite K9’S

V.I.P Elite K9’S


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Woodhouse farm, Newton le willows, Manchester, WA12 0EZ


Pet Shops by V.I.P Elite K9’S - V.I.P Elite K9’s offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the diverse needs of dog owners across the UK. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, our offerings span from elite protection dog sales to extensive training programs, ensuring every client and their canine companion receives the highest standard of service and support.

Protection Dog Sales: At the heart of our services lies our elite protection dog sales, where we match individuals and families with the perfect canine protector. Our dogs are more than just pets; they are trained guardians, ready to offer unwavering loyalty and security to your home. Our selection process is meticulous, focusing on breeds known for their intelligence, loyalty, and physical capabilities, ensuring our clients receive a protection dog that is both a formidable guardian and a devoted companion.

Train and Board Services: Understanding the busy lifestyles of our clients, we offer comprehensive train and board services throughout the UK, including pick-up and drop-off. This program is designed for dog owners who wish to have their pets professionally trained while they are away, ensuring that their return is to a well-mannered, obedient dog. Our facilities are equipped to provide top-notch care and training, regardless of your dog’s age or skill level.

Dog Walking Services: Our dog walking services cater to clients who demand the best in care and exercise for their pets. Our professional walkers are trained to handle dogs of all sizes and temperaments, ensuring your dog receives the physical and mental stimulation they need to stay healthy and happy.
Dog Training Packages: We offer a variety of dog training packages tailored to the needs of your pet. From basic obedience to advanced protection training, our expert trainers use positive reinforcement techniques to ensure learning is a rewarding experience. Our programs are designed to strengthen the bond between you and your dog while enhancing their behavior and skills.

Online Training: For clients who prefer the convenience of remote learning, our online training programs offer an effective solution. These sessions provide flexible, comprehensive training options that you can access from anywhere, ensuring that distance is not a barrier to achieving a well-trained pet.

Private Field Hire: Our private field hire service provides an exclusive space for you to train, play, or simply enjoy quality time with your dog in a safe, enclosed area. This option is perfect for those seeking privacy or a controlled environment for training and exercise.

At V.I.P Elite K9’s, we pride ourselves on our holistic approach to canine care and training. Our ethos is centered around creating harmonious relationships between dogs and their owners, reinforced by our lifetime support guarantee. Whether you are looking for a loyal protector, a well-behaved companion, or a dedicated service dog, V.I.P Elite K9’s is dedicated to exceeding your expectations with our premier services.

We are based within the Newton le willows area Wa12
Manchester, Greater Manchester, North West England

Dog training, dog walking, field hire

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