Taiji & Qigong

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55 Huntingdon Rd, East Finchley, London, N2 9DX

020 8883 3308

Fitness by Taiji & Qigong - Health comes first over everything since being fit is more important than having all the money in the world. Taiji & Qigong is here to provide you with services that will enable you to regain control over your health. We offer Qigong classes, which can assist you in finding balance and preventing accidents by allowing you to synchronise your movement. We instruct Tai Chi, a superb martial technique for self defence that also increases joint mobility and promotes mindfulness. Visit one of our many classes in London, Sevenoaks, or Longfield if you want to join us. Contact us for more details.

Email id: [email protected]

Website: https://www.taiji.co.uk/

We are based within the East Finchley area N2

Martial Arts & Self-Defense

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