Rossi Painting and Constructio

Rossi Painting and Constructio

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110 glenn way #17, San Carlos, , 94070


Management & Consulting by Rossi Painting and Constructio - 100% of clients said they would recommend us to friends and family

Why Choose Rossi Painting? We use the highest quality paint and materials from Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore, Dunn Edwards, and Kelly Moore but can also accommodate any other paint preferences you may have. Detailed written agreement prior to starting the work. We will never raise the estimated price. We provide free estimates that are detailed, thorough, and we can provide you several options to meet your budget. Save up to 10% off the price of the job by working with our schedule. We are available for a virtual appointment as well. Facetime or Zoom meetings can be scheduled. We have happy clients. Please ask your friends, family, and co-workers about Rossi Painting.

We are based within the San Carlos area

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