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22 Kings Reach Slough SL37RQ, Slough, SL37RQ


Arts & Crafts by Roomantique - Roomantique is a digital platform for some of the world’s oldest and most intricate craft forms. We started this social enterprise with a motive to preserve, showcase and share the talent of India’s tribal artisans with the world. Every art at Roomantique is made with ancient craft techniques that are older than human lives and uses only natural raw materials. We are committed to help these crafts remain a sustainable, viable livelihood alternative for craftspeople and their next generations. One of the steps to contribute towards this motive is to contribute a percentage of every single sell made towards wellbeing and raising the dignity of these tribal artisans.

We are based within the Slough area
Slough, Berkshire, South East England

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Listed: 2 years ago, # 4181, 9 views, Edit