Popcorn CRM & Lead Management

CRM Software

popcorn CRM & Lead Management


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The Limes, Crondal Place, Edgbaston, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2LB


Business Marketing by popcorn CRM & Lead Management - popcorn is a simple to use CRM/prospect management software tool designed for small business - bringing all the essential software to drive and manage sales into one place. It helps you see the golden nuggets in your database, then nurture them to conversion. Using just the essential tools a small business needs to track, manage and convert prospects, faster - so your sales simply take off!

Features include: CRM, sales pipelines, email marketing, lead generation, landing pages, automation and reminders.

Typically, we deliver a:
- ROI of £185 for every £1 spent with us
- Increase in sales conversion rates by 200%
- Time-saving of up to 1 day every week for salespeople
- 50% reduction in time spent managing email marketing

We are based within the Edgbaston area B15
Birmingham, West Midlands

crm, crm software, business services, business marketing, sales and marketing,

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