Pari Shams

Pari Shams

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9 -11 Bath Street, Moorfields Private Eye Hospita, London, EC1V 9LF

Opticians by Pari Shams - Consultant Ophthalmologist & Oculoplastic Surgeon

Dr Shams is a full-time consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, specializing in the management of eyelid, lacrimal and orbital disorders.

She believes in personalised healthcare where decisions are made with you, based on your needs and desires, and where you receive the care and attention you require at every stage of your treatment.

She has over the last 17 years of experience in clinical practice, as a physician and an eye surgeon. The international subspecialty training has given her a unique clinical perspective as well as the skills and knowledge to be able to offer high quality, safe and effective care.

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We are based within the Moorfields Private Eye Hospita area EC1V

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