LCG Occupational Health Soluti

LCG Occupational Health Soluti

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Unit 6, Alpine House Business, Rainford, St Helens, WA11 8HE

07856 093434

Alternative Health by LCG Occupational Health Soluti - Occupational Health (OH) is a specialist branch of healthcare concerned with the effects of work upon health and health upon work.

OH can consider issues such as fitness for work, sickness absence, disability, rehabilitation, ill health retirement, health surveillance, workplace wellbeing, and medicals.

Good employee health and wellbeing contribute to business performance, enhance employee engagement, and reduce avoidable business costs relating to sickness absence and lost productivity.

At LCG Occupational Health Solutions, we recognise the positive impact occupational health has in promoting positive employee wellbeing, reducing sickness/absence, and ensuring workplace health & safety.

The services we offer are underpinned by evidence-based practice, in line with UK legislation, and are designed to make a stress-free service for companies and their employees.

We are based within the Rainford area WA11
St Helens, Merseyside, North West England

Absence management, Safety Critical Medicals, Health Surveillance

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