Independent Living Agency

Help with Physical and Psychological Independence

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15, Dagenham Business Centre, 123 Rainham Rd, Dagenham, Barking and Dagenham, RM10 7FD

020 8593 6677

Non-profit Organisation by Independent Living Agency - The Independent Living Agency (ILA) will assist disabled people who chose to employ their own personal assistance. The ILA will provide information, training and support which will unable them to have physical and psychological independence in order to live in the community with more choice and control over their lives. This choice and control is fundamental to independent living and the basis in which ILA is formed. To support disabled people to live in the community and exercise choice and control in their lives.

We are based within the Dagenham area RM10
Barking and Dagenham, London

Support Work, Domestic Cleaning, Shopping Service, Gardening service, Financial Management, Peer Support Brokerage, Accessible Transport, Mobility Aids

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