DMC Professional Deep Cleaning

DMC Professional Deep Cleaning

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6 Betjeman Mews, Deckham, Gateshead, NE8 3BF

0776 196 1294

Cleaning Services by DMC Professional Deep Cleaning - DMC Professional Deep Cleaning Services is your go-to choice top-notch and affordable deep cleaning services in Newcastle upon Tyne & Gateshead. We customise our services to meet your specific needs. Our expertise includes End of Tenancy cleaning, carpet cleaning, and deep cleaning for commercial kitchens. Count on us for thorough and competitively priced professional deep cleaning services that meet your exact standards. We proudly serve multiple locations including Newcastle, Gateshead, Durham, North Tyneside, and South Tyneside. Trust us to deliver thorough and reliable deep cleaning solutions in these areas.

We are based within the Gateshead area NE8
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, North East England

Cleaning Services, house cleaning services, home cleaning services, end of tenancy cleaning

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