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25-27 Imperial Road, Exmouth, Mid Devon, EX8 1DB

01395 272079

Pharmacies by CLAREPHARM PHARMACY EXMOUTH - - NHS Pharmacy First and Private Clinic: Access prescription-strength medicines and advice for a wide range of common conditions without the need to see a GP. NHS-funded service
Walk-in or call to book an appointment. No waiting around to get expert care. Get seen sooner, feel better quicker. Extensive range of treatments. Travel Clinic a speciality

FREE Prescription Service
Worry-free prescription service, Never miss another dose!  We work with every surgery in England
Order now from Exmouth Claremont branch or download our free app.

We are based within the Exmouth area EX8
Mid Devon, Devon, South West England

Pharmacy in Exmouth, Clarepharm Pharmacy Exmouth, Imperial Road, Pharmacy First Exmouth Imperial Road Prescriptions in Exmouth

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