Acupuncture Healthcare
Acupuncture for stress
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Acupuncture Healthcare
07714 721969
Acupuncture by Acupuncture Healthcare - Sarah Casbolt is a qualified acupuncturist offering treatments in Limpsfield/Oxted, Surrey and she is registered with the British Acupuncture Council."
She helps people to regain balance and take back control of their health and emotional well-being through the art of Traditional Acupuncture (TCM and Five Element). She specialises in pain relief, stress relief, parenthood issues and women's health including menopause.
Limpsfield Fitness, The Pavilion, Glebe Meadow, Limpsfield, OXTED, RH8 0DG, UK
We are based within the OXTED area RH8
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, South East England
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